Study time is very important for me and my husband since we are both in school. I have several friends that will take our sons for an afternoon every so often so that I can study on the weekend. I have an easier time focusing on my studies when the house is quiet or if the boys are occupied in their room playing. If I did not have these short times of quite I would not be able to get my thoughts organized.
Thinking about emotional support, my best friend calls me several times a week to see how I am doing. She is like my own personal cheerleader, she always says "you can do it, think of all the possibilities that will be open to you when you finish your Masters degree". That means a lot to me. Life can get a little crazy and she always helps to put things into perspective.
If I did not write things down on my calendar I would be missing appointments and I would be lost in trying to figure out what I was doing each day. That can be very stressful. If I did not have friends that helped with taking the boys out for awhile I think that I would go crazy and not do as well as I would like in my studies. Emotional support is something that helps me stay motivated because it is important that you know that people believe in you and what you are doing.
The challenge that I choose to imagine was if I had dyslexia. I think that some of the supports that I would want would be to have teachers and family members that are educated in what dyslexia is so that they could support the way I learn. I know that having the extra time to read things or to take tests would be important as well. Having a schedule on a calendar with writing and pictures would be a big help so that I would learn the sight words that may go with pictures. Having quiet and extra time to read and study would also be helpful because it is frustrating enough when the words on the page have letters reversed but to have the noise on top of that would make it extremely difficult to focus. Emotionally having that positive person who believes that you can learn and accomplish your goals would help me through the challenges. It is important to have that person to keep you motivated.
Having these supports are important because they would make me believe that I could do the things that I wanted and be successful at them. Their is nothing as rewarding as being able to have the independence to accomplish things on your own. Having confidence can open up many possibilities. Not having these supports would make me feel that their was no point in trying to push myself to succeed because the message would be that I couldn't. I could live a life but not to my full potential and that is what everyone deserves, is to have a chance to reach their full potential.