Over the past weeks I have grown a lot in my knowledge of early childhood education and have come to understand the aspects of the field. I am encouraged that their are so many others who share a similar passion for young children and their families. I have enjoyed reading the discussions and blog posts that all my colleges have shared. I feel that I have gained insight about the ECE field because of some of the different ideas and advice that has been shared. In responding to the posts, it made me stop and think about things and really take a look at how I view ECE. I know that by sharing our thoughts and ideas we can build a network of professionals. I wish for all my colleges success in their ECE journey, 20 months will go by quickly, but at the end I hope that everyone reaches the professional goals they set and also see that their passion can be contagious and spread it around so that others will want to help in supporting young children, families and ECE teachers. I wish you the best in your ECE journey and keep in mind what Lilian Katz said, we must each see ourselves as developing professionals. That is, we must become lifelong students of our own teaching (Katz, 1990).
Katz, L. (1990). On teaching. Child Care Information Exchange. (71), 3-4. Retrieved from http://secure.ccie.com/library/5007103.pdf
I just wanted to take this time to say thank you for being a supportive role in my studies here at Walden. I especially want to thank you for posting the book "Working in the Reggio Way" on your blog. It was after reading your post, that I realized I was narrowing my resources and ideas to only this country. I appreciate your suggestions and comments on my blog as well. Thanks again!