Saturday, January 14, 2012

Breastfeeding and Public Health

The public health topic that I feel strongly about is breastfeeding.  I think that breastfeeding is very important for mother and child because is helps to create that initial bond between them.  It also is important for the the baby to breast feed within the first hour after birth so that they receive the colostrum that their body needs to stay healthy and the immediate sucking will help to bring in the mothers milk sooner. I knew that I wanted to breast feed both of my children because of the health benefits to them.  I knew that they would get all the nutrients and anti-bodies they would need to stay healthy and to begin to grow.  I do not think that many women understand what breast feeding is all about and why it is so important.  They may feel that if the baby does not latch on right away that they are failing them somehow.  It is important that the hospital have a lactation specialist available for these new mothers who may need the assistance and encouragement.  I know as a first time Mom, I began to panic when my milk did not come in for a few days after I got home from the hospital.  I called the La Leche  League, they are a world wide organization that educates women about the importance of breastfeeding, and got some advice from another Mom who was very supportive and gave me advice.  I would like to be able to help mothers to understand the importance of breastfeeding and that they have the right to breast feed their child by making sure they have all the information they need about the importance of breast milk. I feel that children who are breast feed have a stronger immune system.

In decided to look at how France views breastfeeding compared to the United States.  In the United states women are encouraged to breast feed their infants for up to a year.  In France, they are discouraged from breast feeding their infants.  It it rare to have them continue breastfeeding after they leave the hospital or even at all.  France has the lowest breastfeeding rate compared to other countries in Europe and the United States.  The French do not believe the slogan that breast is best, but that formula is just as good as breast milk. The French believe that after pregnancy the mother should very quickly get back her before baby body and that by breastfeeding they are causing the breast to lose its appeal to her husband/partner.  Women in France are not supported if they wish to breast feed and that makes it really difficult if they are already having a slow start with it.

I think that the information that I learned will impact my work as a reminder to be mindful of what other cultures believe about children and child development.  I would respect their beliefs but at the same time start a conversation with them about child development.  I know that some people truly do not know and that they are just doing what society around them is doing.    



  1. Hi Julie,

    Like you, I feel it is beneficial to breastfeed your baby. However, I do respect those who choose not too. I have heard some woman mention that they had a hard time with the infant latching on and this added on stress where they were not able to be calm for the feeding. This added stress to their situation. In Californina, they had someone come in to help you even after the delivery to help with the baby latching on. This made my experience wonderful. I think all hospitals should have someone present to support. With the ability to pump milk, my husband was able to share with the feeding too.

    Around the world you find many countries do not support breastfeeding.It is sad that a women rights to breastfeed is stripped away from them.

  2. Hi Julie,

    I think it was great that you were able to call La Leche for support. You're right that many people may be unaware of the benefits of breastfeeding, but I think also unaware of the support that is available for them. It may seem easy to give up and switch to formula, when you think you aren't able to provide for your baby. However, breast is best!
